Chester County Hospital Polo Cup: Event Promotion Package
The Chester County Polo Cup is an annual event hosted by the Turks Head Auxiliary to support The Prenatal Clinic of the Chester County Hospital. It brings together the exciting sport of polo with a fun and festive tailgating atmosphere. While the event was a growing success, there was a need to create a cohesive event promotion package with messages to gather sponsorships and more engaging marketing materials to increase attendance.
We created an eye-catching event promotion package that includes posters, signage, sponsorship benefit packages, brochures, tickets, social media engagement, event programs, and mailed invitations.
We are proud that our efforts contributed to the Turks Head Auxiliary presenting a donation of over $50,000 to The Prenatal Clinic and Chester County Hospital—which is $25,000 more than was raised in 2014. The Polo Cup attendance increased by 30% and followers in social media were quadrupled.